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Injury Biomechanics & Accident Reconstruction
Jewkes Biomechanics LLC
Making Sense of Cause & Effect
The relationship between cause (accident) and effect (injury) -or injury causation- is a complex puzzle, often with missing pieces. Many consultants use a 'one size fits all' approach to inury causation. Jewkes Biomechanics LLC, however, is dedicated to solving each unique puzzle by logically fitting the available pieces of evidence together and by recreating the missing pieces. We combine a variety of well-established and innovative scientific methods to complete an unimpeachable reconstruction of the injury causation at hand. Our expert witness (see resume) then makes sense of cause and effect by presenting the completed puzzle in a professional manner, expressed in concise language.
Case Experience:
- Rollovers
- Car-to-Car Collisions
- Tractor-Trailer involvement
- Train Accidents
- Pedestrians
- Bicyclists
- Slip-and-Falls
- Sports Related Accidents
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